Saturday, November 7, 2015

Pumpkins + Neglecting the Present

Salutations Readers,

Happy Fall! The rainy pumpkin season is upon us and I have been enjoying it thus far. I have drank pumpkin spice latte's, pumpkin chai tea, eaten pumpkin seeds, gone to a pumpkin patch, and I currently have a pumpkin sitting outside of my dorm room door. I've worn scarves, boots, boot socks, skinny jeans, and cardigans more days than I would care to admit. In short, I have pretty much exemplified a typical white girl in every possible way in the past few weeks, short of having a cinnamon candle burning in my room (only because it's not allowed in the dorms). Honestly, I tried to fight it, but it crept up on me, pumpkin by pumpkin, until I eventually gave in. I'm not sure how to feel about it either. But soon pumpkin will be overtaken by peppermint, and I will be in holiday heaven (despite my Grinch-like nature).
My semester is beginning to pick up it's pace, which is a good thing considering it's halfway over. With this quickened pace has come attempted stress, and I have had to figure out how to wipe my head of thought and push away the stress. Somehow I have been quite successful at doing so. About a quarter of the way through the semester, I made a decision regarding my educations: I dropped the English major I was going to work towards, and chose to pursue only a degree in Communication Arts. Since choosing this path, I have been quite content. I am thoroughly enjoying my Communication classes, and I am certain this is the major for me.
In the recent weeks, I received a visit from my parents, phone calls from my grandparents, and letters from other relatives. Some regarding my anniversary of age (a.k.a. "birthday"), and some just well wishes. Being nearly 600 miles and a 10 hour drive away from home, I greatly appreciate these kind check-ins. It's been two months since I moved to my Oregon college and it has been an incredible experience. I have made more friends than I thought was possible, created new bonds in unexpected places, and learned a great deal. To say the least, I love it here.

I genuinely have been slacking on keeping this blog-type-thing up to date, and I apologize for this. Unfortunately I don't have a new piece of writing to share with you, but I do have something I wrote about a year ago that I will put below.
Without further ado,

Neglecting the Present:

"Take me back. Back to a time when reality was left to the imagination. When dragons were slain and princesses rescued. When love was at the end of a rope of blonde hair. Take me back to that time of our childhood when we could look at The Great Wall of China and say 'someday I'm going to be taller than this,' without a doubt in our minds that we would be victorious. When fairytales were just another story that the newscaster had failed to report. Take me to that time when all was perfect and this thing called life was new.
But wait, I don't want to go back. Take me forward to where it all begins. Take me to my fate, where it all falls into place. Let me see how my life will end, whether I'll die a hero or live long enough to see myself become the villain. Can you do that for me? Project me into the void to where I conquer my fears, to when I realize everything was never for naught. Take my soul where it longs to be, and let me know if I perish in flame or live on in glory. Whether my actions will be for inexpressible truth or for deception. Will I lead those who follow me toward triumph or toward destruction? Answer me these questions, only then will I fully live in the present."

Hope you all have a beautiful Saturday.
Stay classy, my friends. -M